Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our comprehensive collection of frequently asked questions to gain insight into our services, policies, and more.

Does your product efficiently work with Microsoft Teams?

Yes, once the extension is installed, it seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Teams, allowing users to access its features directly within the Teams interface. It efficiently provides answers to quiz questions and assists users with various tasks, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

How accurately can it provide answers?

Our product leverages advanced AI technology, including GPT-4, to provide highly accurate answers. By analyzing questions comprehensively, the system generates responses that closely match the context and intent of the queries. Users can rely on the accuracy of the answers provided by our system for a wide range of inquiries.

How many requests can be sent with a subscription?

With our subscription model, users can enjoy the flexibility of sending unlimited requests. There are no limitations on the number of inquiries users can make, ensuring they have access to our system's capabilities whenever they need them.

How much time does the extension take to answer?

The extension delivers responses promptly, typically within seconds of receiving a query. Its efficient processing capabilities ensure that users receive timely answers to their questions, enhancing workflow efficiency and enabling smooth communication and collaboration within Microsoft Teams.

Can the extension handle complex queries and tasks?

Absolutely! Our extension is equipped with advanced natural language processing capabilities, allowing it to understand and respond to a wide range of queries, including complex ones. Whether you're seeking information, assistance with tasks, or detailed insights, our extension can handle your inquiries effectively, providing accurate and relevant responses in real-time.

Can the extension be customized to suit specific team needs or preferences?

Certainly! Our extension offers customization options that allow teams to tailor its functionality to their unique requirements. From configuring preferred response formats to setting up personalized shortcuts, users can adjust various settings to optimize their workflow within Microsoft Teams. Whether you're a small team or a large organization, our extension adapts to fit your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and efficient experience for all users.